RAG reps

RAG reps is an introduction to student fundraising for students who aren’t on RAG committee. Being a RAG rep (Raising and Giving representative) is a fun and very flexible way to make a positive contribution to the Sheffield community by helping to plan, organise and run fundraising events.

How does it work?

The great thing about RAG reps is that the extent of your involvement is up to you, you can take part in any number of events you want to. The charities we fundraise for will be voted for by you and the events are designed and run by you. 

Come along to one of our workshops and learn more about RAG and how you can get involved in our activities.

What's in it for me?

As a RAG rep, not only do you help fundraise for charity, you also gain valuable skills and experiences in areas such as event management, marketing, sponsorship, fundraising and logistics. These skills will help you once you leave university and boost your employability opportunities. 

Being a part of the RAG reps programme also contributes towards your HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report) and Sheffield Graduate Awards. It will look great on your CV, no matter what career you wish to pursue.

Additionally, being a RAG rep is a great way to make new friends and have great experiences. As well as fundraising events, we have many socials. 

Our socials include everything from nights out to café meet ups. We also organise volunteering visits to the adopted charities our raised money supports.


Sign up to our mailing list to stay up to date with our workshops, opportunities and other Sheffield RAG events. Follow us on social media to stay posted about new events and activities.

RAG reps mailing list